The Bad Beat Jackpot has been a popular promotion since the beginning here at Playground Poker Club. Over the years the BBJ has changed a few times, and the next version of the Bad Beat Jackpot – which is actually THREE Jackpots – starts immediately.
The new Bad Beat Jackpot has three elements. First is the Primary BBJ: the jackpot starts at whopping $100K and the minimum qualifying hand starts at Quad Aces (in other words, a player has to lose a hand with AAAA including the pocket AA to a straight flush or better) in week one. But then it gets fun… the minimum qualifying hand goes down every second week thereafter.
The Secondary BBJ requires a player to lose a minimum $20 pot with AAAKK (including a pocket pair). The third element is a new Omaha BBJ – losing with Quad 8s just got a lot more interesting!
The new Jackpots are in place today because the OLD version of the BBJ was won earlier today! The Jackpot was won on Table 7 in a hand between a player visiting the club for the first time and a well-known and well-respected regular player here at Playground Poker.
The hand was a classic
hand and when the flop came out
it was set over set… but the stage was also set for much more. The
came on the turn and all of a sudden a bad beat became a Bad Beat Jackpot hand of Quad Kings over a Full House Aces full of Kings.
The jackpot was $75,000 which was shared between all cash game players playing at the time. Congratulations to all!