Playground Players Club member Chanracy Khun has defeated a field of 249 players to win the bwin WPT Barcelona and the top prize of €200,000! The event, held from the 5th to the 10th of April at the Casino Barcelona, featured some of Europe and North America’s poker greats including several past WPT champions. Also in the field were fellow Players Club member Benjamin Leblond and Playground regular Terry Flood.
Chanracy made his big move on Day 3, which started with just 42 players out of the overall field of 249. He started the day with 98,500 (33 BB) – below the chip average – but by the end of the day he had chipped up to 838,000 (140 BB), good for the second best stack going into Day 4.
Day 4 started strong for Kuhn and except for a hiccup when he doubled up another player, he kept his foot on the accelerator and ended the day with the chip lead of 2,393,000. The official 6-handed final table proved to be a long day of poker but Chanracy accomplished the rare feat of personally busting each of his 5 opponents on the way to the title.
In addition to the €200,000, Chanracy will come back from Barcelona (after a well-earned vacation and another WPT in Berlin) with his name on the WPT Cup and a stunning mosaic bull trophy. He has also won an entry into the $25,000 WPT World Championship, being held at the Bellagio in May, just a week after the WPT Canadian Spring Championship being held at the Playground Poker Club.