Just 6 days after the first Secondary Bad Beat Jackpot was dealt, the Primary Bad Beat Jackpot was up to $313,614 and the minimum qualifying hand was down to quad 7s. At almost exactly 12 noon, on a $2/$5 table, there was some drama on the way to hitting the jackpot.
Five players saw the flop
, and the action checked around. On the turn
, a player (who we would learn was holding
for flopped trips) bet $10. The player to his left folded and the next player to act (who was holding
for a flopped flush that had improved to a straight flush on the turn) smooth called.
The river brought the , and all of the pieces were in place. The player holding quads led out with a bet of $20. His rival in the hand raised to $145, and action was back on the initial player that bet, who thought for a few moments before going all-in for a total of $328. He was called instantly and when the cards were shown down … the Primary Bad Beat Jackpot had been hit!
When the Primary Bad Beat hits, the reaction is instantaneous… and very loud. Everyone is aware that all cash game players win a share of the prize! The Primary BBJ pays 40% to the loser of the hand, 20% to the winner of the hand, and 20% to the other players on the table and the last 20% is shared among all of the other cash-game players around the room!