One of the greatest things for players about the big poker festivals we host at Playground Poker Club is the fact that alongside the tourneys, players also benefit from amazing cash game action as well. And one of the best things about cash games at Playground Club is… the Bad Beat Jackpot!
Just before 6pm on Sunday, the Secondary Bad Beat Jackpot was won on a $1/$2 table in the main poker room. The hand unfolded with little drama, but at by the time all of the cards were dealt, there was a table full of very happy poker players! The hand played out quite predictably. The player in the UTG+1 seat raised preflop to $12, and the player two seats to his left re-raised to $22. Action folded back to the initial raiser, who confidently moved all-in for $102 (total). His opponent quickly called and exposed his hand: Pocket Aces!
The other player kept his hole cards hidden while the dealer put out the flop: ,
. On the turn – the
– the second player finally exposed his hand – pocket Kings! The player with aces had made his full house – but his hand was still second-best.
The river was an inconsequential queen – and in this case, with those two hands, second best was actually THE best – because by losing to Quad Kings with Aces full of Kings (holding the pocket pair), Maxime Pitre-Pepin had won the Secondary Bad Beat Jackpot!
The secondary BBJ always pays out $25,000 with 50% going to the loser of the hand, 25% to the winner of the hand, and the remaining 25% divided evenly among the other players at the table.
Congratulations to all!