Friday the 13th has a fearsome reputation for bad luck, but at least for 9 players at Playground Poker Club this morning, it turned out to be a pretty lucky day!
It happened just before noon on Table 5, which was a $1/$2 table. The table was full (9 players), the button was on seat 8, meaning that seat 9 was the small blind and seat 1 was the big blind. Before the flop, the player in seat 5 raised to $13 and found callers in seat 6, seat 8, and seat 1 (bb).
Four players went to the flop, which was dealt:
. Action was on seat 1, who checked, and seat 5 continued with a bet of $30. Again, seats 6 and 8 both called, as did seat 1. The turn was the
, and again, the first player to act in seat 1 checked, seat 5 bet $30 and found all three callers once again.
The river was the fateful card: the 9 of spades. Seat 1 checked once more, and then seat 5 pushed all in for $95. The player to his left called very quickly (with a smaller stack) and seat 8 threw in a single chip, indicating a call from him as well. Seat 1 folded this time around.
The player in seat 5 was quick to show his hand:
followed instantly by the player in seat 8:
. The player in seat 6 also turned over his cards – but unfortunately, his over pair (
) was far out of contention for the pot.
The secondary BBJ always pays out $25000 with 50% going to the loser of the hand, 25% to the winner of the hand, and the remaining 25% divided evenly among the other players at the table.
Congratulations to all!