It has been a while since the last jackpot was hit – but the next one is never very far away, as 8 lucky players – and 2 of those in particular – learned tonight on Table 21!
The table featured a $1/$2 NL Hold’em game, and the hand was a classic poker showdown between pocket Aces and pocket Kings. When the fateful hand occurred, the button was on seat 9 and after the hole cards were dealt, the first three players to act all called $2, the next player folded, and then there was a raise to $14 from the cutoff. The button player folded, then the small blind and two other players called the $14 raise – there were 4 players ready to see the flop.
The flop was dealt:
The action checked to the raiser, who bet $25 and found a single call from the player in seat 1 (who had been the sb). The dealer laid out the turn card with two players left in the hand.
Action on the turn was simple – there was an early position bet of $50 which was called by the player in seat 8 – the initial raiser.
The river came
Excitement was already high and only grew when the early position player shoved all in for his last $53 and his opponent snap called. Both players’ hands were exposed – and the excitement proved to have been justified!
Jonathan R-D showed his pocket Kings for Quads (winning hand) and Dat D showed his pocket Aces for a full house, Aces full of Kings! The secondary BBJ was won!
The secondary jackpot is fixed at $25,000, with 50% going to the loser of the hand, 25% (and the pot) to the winner of the hand, and 25% shared between the remaining players at the table. Congratulations to all!