We’ve often remarked that along with the major poker events comes a rush of Bad Beat Jackpots – and while one BBJ isn’t exactly a “rush” – it’s a pretty good start! The Omaha BBJ was hit recently, so the jackpot amount was not tremendously large – $7,846 – but a jackpot is a jackpot! The action happened on Table 14, which was a full $5/$5 PLO table. The table was made up of a nice mix of local players and players visiting for the WSOP-C Playground.
The button was on Seat 3 (Rajendra P) and there was a straddle to $10 from seat 6. Preflop action folded to Sammy P in seat 1 who chose to call. Action then folded to the button, who raised to $50 and found a call from the player in the sb (Elio S) and Sammy called. There were three players to the flop.
Action was on Elio, who checked, followed by Sammy. Rajendra – who made the initial raise – then bet pot ($165) and got a fold from Elio but a call from Sammy.
Sammy checked once again and then facing a $10 bet from Rajendra, he raised to $100 and got a call.
The river:
On this river card, Sammy opened with a bet of $400, which covered Rajendra, who in any case instantly called. It was time for a showdown.
Sammy P:
– Quad Tens
Rajendra P:
– a Royal Flush!
For losing the hand and winning the Jackpot, Sammy P has won $2,982, while Rajendra has won $1,491. The same amount will be shared among the other 6 players at the table, and the final share will be divided amongst the players at the other active PLO games at the time.