The 2018 MILLIONS North America has proven to be a fruitful series for Jackpots! Not only did we see the Secondary and Omaha Jackpots hit, but this morning at 5:30, the Primary BBJ was won. With the Jackpot amount sitting at over $1,375,000, that makes it the largest Primary BBJ ever awarded at Playground Poker Club!
The early morning hour meant that there were only 6 NL Hold’em tables in action at the time. Table 12 was a $2-$5 table with 9 players seated. For the Jackpot hand, the button was on Seat 6, and the hand opened with a raise to $25 from utg+1 – Kwane R in Seat 1. The player in Seat 2 called, as did the player in Seat 5 and both players in the blinds in Seats 7 and 8. There were 5 players to the flop.
On the flop, the first two players to act checked their option, then Kwane chose to move all-in with his roughly $100 stack. Seats 2 and 5 folded, and then Daniel F – the player in Seat 7 (sb) – made the call. The bb in the hand folded. There were just two players left and action was closed.
Neither player chose to open their hole cards right away. The dealer laid out the turn.
Turn: .
No one (other than him) knew it yet, but this had improved Kwane’s holdings from trips to Quad Queens. But it takes two to tango, and Daniel’s hand wasn’t yet in BBJ territory. The river would take care of that!
A rivered Royal Flush! Daniel was holding the
all along!
The Primary Bad Beat Jackpot will be divided as follows: $522,622 goes to the loser of the hand (Kwane), $261,311 goes to the winner of the hand (Daniel), $37,328 goes to each of the other 7 players on Table 12, and finally $5,938 each goes to the rest of the NL Hold’em players in the room!
Congratulations to everyone!