Playground’s poker festivals are prime time for Bad Beat Jackpots, and the WPT Montreal has joined the pack and provided some cash game players with prizes to rival some of the tournament prizes to be won this week!
The hand was particularly good luck for Sammy P, who was in his second jackpot hand in a row – he won an Omaha BBJ in August during the WSOP-C Playground!
The hand started with a couple of limps on the $2/$5 PLO table, when there was a raise to $30 that was called by both blinds and both players who limped – there were 5 to the flop.
The action flop was checked around, and the dealer put out another huge card on the turn: . Again, action was checked around. The river came
… and with just one street of betting left, the whole situation heated up quickly. Sammy P opened with a bet of $50, which was met with a raise to $200 from his neighbour Gregory M. This cleared out the rest of the players, but Sammy wasn’t going anywhere: he re-raised to $1000. It was over the pot limit, but Gregory quickly met that max bet with a shove of around $1,700, which was followed by a quick call.
for flopped quad Queens
for a straight flush to the King!
The Jackpot win pays Gregory $12,088 as the loser of the hand, while Sammy will get $6,044 plus the pot as the winner of the hand. The other 4 players at the table will each receive $1,511 while the other PLO players in the room will each get $189.
Congratulations to all!