As you probably already know our 8-Year Anniversary is coming up very soon and we want to give 10 lucky winners a reason to celebrate!
Here’s what you need to do: create a short video – nothing complicated, there’s no need to hire a film crew, just use your cell phone – and tell us what you’re celebrating or what you’re grateful for. You can, for example, wish your friends or family happy holidays. Be creative (but keep it positive and sincere), it’s entirely up to YOU. This holiday season, try to put a smile on someone’s face, or better yet, make them laugh. It’s a celebration after all. Spread joy!
Once you’ve made your video, upload it here. Apply the frame, fill out the entry form, then share it with your friends on Social Media and include the hashtag #ShareyourCelebration. That’s it. Easy peasy!
The contest starts now and ends at 12:00pm EST on Wednesday, December 12, 2018. At that point we will pick the 10 lucky winners and announce them later that same day at 3:00pm.
Oh yeah, we almost forgot to mention the prizes. Not that it matters, you should want to enter this contest simply for all the happiness your video will bring others, but here it is anyway: we are giving away 10 MILLIONS North America Main Event STEP 1 Seats.
Now imagine the celebration video you could make this May if your winning ticket ends up leading you to the MILLIONS North America Main Event Final Table! Or better yet, what if you win it all? Now go make your video!