The Secondary Bad Beat Jackpot hit today at 4:12PM on a $1/$2 table. What a great way to celebrate Canada Day!
The table was full at the time of the hit, with the button on seat 8. The pot was raised by Khosrow Moossavi in seat 5, who made it $10 to go, a standard $1/$2 5x raise. The cut-off and the big blind both made the call and the three players went to the flop.
The action was checked to the aggressor, who continued with a $15 bet. Scott Browning, sitting in seat 7, called in position, and seat 1 went all-in for a single dollar more, which did not make anyone fold.
Moossavi kept pressing: a $45 dollar bet was placed, and matched.
Moossavi tanked for a bit and went all-in. The call was as quick as any.
The whole table stood in excitement. Phones came out of pockets and players were shouting dollar figures at each other in a happy cacophony. Scott Browning cashed $11,875 for having the Bad Beat hand, while Khosrow Moossavi took $5,938 for beating that hand. All other 7 players got a cool $848 for watching it happen. Another great day at Playground!