Plans in the works for live demonstration at an east coast poker tournament later this May.
Elon Musk, co-founder and CEO of Tesla, the leading electric car manufacturer, announced this weekend that his new Tesla Model S, set to hit the showrooms in 2020, will have an integrated lie-detecting AI system. Musk claims that the system, equipped with new tech that can tell if someone’s lying, will increase owner security when they stop to assist someone.
New tech involved consists of a Voice Modulation Deep Analyser, as well as some advanced options such as a passenger seat integrated Body Heat Sensor.
“As a first public demonstration, said Musk in a press conference on Saturday, we plan to show that NOWAY JOSE, the AI developed to detect lies, is capable of spotting a lie even if it is told by the people who practise deception the most: poker players.”
At Playground, a car seat with a rudimentary processor and a light panel to simulate human faces will enter the $10,300 MILLIONS North America poker tournament, remotely operated by NOWAY JOSE.
“JOSE will ask a question every time it faces a bet, explains Musk, and then react according to its assessment of whether its interlocutor is lying or not. At Tesla, we believe that JOSE has a much greater chance at taking down the MILLIONS than any professional on the circuit. In fact, we are willing to make a $1,000,000,000 last-longer bet with anyone and give them 2 to 1.”
MILLIONS North America, which was set to capture the whole poker world’s attention in May, will now have an even larger scope. Will Tesla’s Model S Voice Modulation Deep Analyser prove that a car owner is safer with a poker champion AI aboard? Can JOSE make the world a better place? We will know at MILLIONS North America, Playground, May 13-26.
In case you are still reading this… April Fool’s!