Playground is always looking for ways to improve the gaming experience. Over the years, that has meant making changes for players as well as following suggestions by players. But sometimes efforts undertaken with good intentions miss the mark, which was the case when Playground Rewards was introduced to our poker community.
Reflecting on the year that has been revealed some missteps on Playground’s path to elevating gaming. Our motto has always been “For Players, By Players”, and 6 months later, we realized we had made a mistake. So what do you do when you make a mistake? You fix it. So we are helping ourselves to some humble pie and announcing the return of free food! That’s right. As of today, a new menu will be introduced, and cash game players will no longer have to pay for food. No points needed, no cash required, absolutely free. Just remember to tip your waitress!
And there’s more good news. Players will be keeping all the added benefits that came with the Playground Rewards program. All Rewards Points earned throughout the year will be kept which means players can still redeem them for cash back, gift cards or merchandise. And all players will retain the status they have earned, while continuing to earn status points for cash game play. Last, but certainly not least, we’ll be keeping the same reduced price menu for tournament players. So they can still feast at prices better than a local fast food joint.
There is a lot to look forward to in the new year. From big events to exciting promotions and other surprises, Playground will strive to live up to player expectations and take gaming to new heights in 2020. Best wishes to all during this holiday season!