Last night in the Original poker room, a Secondary Bad Beat Jackpot was won – the third Jackpot in March… so far! To date, each of the three different “flavours” of Jackpot have been hit this month – Omaha, Primary, and now the Secondary Jackpot.
The hand occurred on table 12, which was a $2/$5 table with 9 players active. The button was on seat 7, which was occupied by Sylvie C. The action opened with a raise to $25 from Thai K. Kevin C, two seats over, reraised to $75. Sylvie and Thai both called.
Action checked around.
The first two players to act checked to Sylvie, who made a very small $35 bet into a $232 pot. the small sizing couldn’t entice Thai to stay – he folded. Kevin, on the other hand, chose to raise to $115. With action back on Sylvie, the reasoning behind her small bet became clear when she shoved all in for around $600. Kevin snap called for less.
Both players chose to show down immediately – they both had monster hands!
for Quad Aces
for Quad Kings
The river was inconsequential, but for the record, it was the .
There was extreme excitement at the table – at any time except the first 4 weeks following a Primary BBJ win, this hand would have qualified for the much larger Jackpot! On the night, however, considering that the Primary had just been won earlier in the week, the hand was a Secondary Jackpot hand.
The secondary jackpot is fixed at $25,000, with 50% going to the loser of the hand, 25% (and the pot) to the winner of the hand, and 25% shared between the remaining players at the table. Congratulations to all!