The World Series of Poker International Circuit and Playground’s Super Sundays are both tremendously popular, and Playground wants to make sure that all players can enjoy them to their fullest. In order to make sure that all players have the best possible experience, the Super Sunday promotions scheduled for August 25 and September 1 will be rescheduled to accommodate the huge field of tournament players during the WSOP-C event.
The Hot Seat drawings and High Hand payouts slated for the Super Sunday of August 25 will be moved to Saturday, August 24, to create a Super Saturday. In September, the Super Sunday previously scheduled for the first of the month will be moved to Monday, September 2, to replace the normally scheduled cash game promotion; it’s going to be a Super Monday!
Following the end of the WSOP-C, the cash game promotions will return to their normally scheduled hours to provide days full of Hot Seat Drawings on Mondays and Wednesdays, High Hand Payouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Super Sundays every Sunday.