The WPT Montreal just produced another Bad Beat Jackpot! Last night at 3:15AM, on a full 2$/5$ table, aces full of kings got undone by the board nuts. As is usually the case when these 2 hands hit the Secondary Bad Beat, the action was maxed out before the flop was revealed. The action started slowly: the first 2 players to act limped in, but Philippe Boyer, sitting 3rd to act, raised it to $20. After 2 folds, Wenzhuo Zhang put in $65. David Cadoch, in the second seat to Zhang’s left, went all-in for $133. It looked like it was going to be a 2-player showdown, but Pasquale Pietracupa, the second limper, went all-in himself for $233. Philippe Boyer wasn’t going anywhere, he invested his full $419, and Zhang tagged along. When all 5 community cards were turned – – Philippe Boyer showed the absolute nuts: . He was […]
Club News
The Omaha Jackpot has hit!
Playground’s poker festivals are prime time for Bad Beat Jackpots, and the WPT Montreal has joined the pack and provided some cash game players with prizes to rival some of the tournament prizes to be won this week! The hand was particularly good luck for Sammy P, who was in his second jackpot hand in a row – he won an Omaha BBJ in August during the WSOP-C Playground! The hand started with a couple of limps on the $2/$5 PLO table, when there was a raise to $30 that was called by both blinds and both players who limped – there were 5 to the flop. Flop: The action flop was checked around, and the dealer put out another huge card on the turn: . Again, action was checked around. The river came … and with just one street of betting left, the whole situation heated up quickly. Sammy […]
Are you itching to play MILLIONS Online?
Scratch and you could win a $5,300 MILLIONS Online Seat! What is the MILLIONS Online Scratch Card? Each player that attends WPT Montreal and plays the Main Event, the WPTDeepStacks, or the High Roller, will receive a MILLIONS Online scratch card. What can you win? Every ticket is a winner, and prizes range from $5.50, $22, $109, and $530 satellite tickets to play the MILLIONS online, to a hefty $5,300 MILLIONS Online Seat! How do you redeem your prize? Visit the partypoker LIVE desk at Playground Poker Club, facing the cage area, and they will credit your partypoker account directly. What is MILLIONS Online? Only the single BIGGEST online tournament EVER with a Guaranteed Prize Pool of $20,000,000! To find out more click here.
Week 6 – Dealers
These last few weeks, we have introduced the various player-facing departments, the people that contribute to the overall poker experience offered by Playground. There was, of course, no other choice than our team of dealers to close this Essential Guide to the WPT Montreal. Dealers are the front line of Playground, the staff members closest to the players and the game itself. They are the ones who collect the most comments from players, and the great majority of them being players themselves, they do add their own comments and appreciation in the mix. The flow of information, in both directions, is facilitated by our dealer meetings (portrayed above), set before every single tournament. This is how Playground stays on the edge of the industry: with eyes and ears on the felt. “Passionate about poker, as a player and a dealer, I constantly strive to provide the poker experience that […]
Week 5 – Cocktail Waitresses
The free food and free drinks that are brought to you at the poker table have always been a recognized reason to choose Playground Poker Club for your poker activities. Of course, playing in the busiest and most tightly operated room plays a huge role, but having your favourite meal brought to you by one of our charming cocktail waitresses sure steps it up a notch. Whatever kind or game of poker you are playing, you can, at any time, ask your dealer to call for service. Shortly after, one of our devoted waitresses will be at your table to take your order with a smile. Keep your Player Card at all times; she will ask it from you for anything other than water! Allow us to let some of these hard-working women introduce themselves: “A hot meal for a hot streak!” -Roxanne “Don’t hate the player, […]
Week 4 – Tournament Management
Playground Poker Club, from its modest beginnings, grew to a poker destination of international calibre in just a few years. Among many other factors, one could say that the main engine that drove the club to global notoriety is the tournament scene which produced, since 2012, a large number of outstanding festivals, drew players from the four corners of the world and put our name on the poker map. Martin Roy has been our Tournament Director since Day 1. With the help of Pascal, who soon became Assistant Tournament Director, and a few other important actors, Martin brought Playground tournaments to a whole other level. He now has a seat at the Tournament Directors Association (TDA) biennial meetings. Today, Martin and Pascal steer a team of 12 Assistant Managers, all TDA-certified floor persons. “Passion for the game brings us all together, no matter who we are or where we live.” […]
Charan Malhotra winner of Event #13 Bounty
Charan came into heads up play against Piotr Wielopolski with a pretty sizable chip advantage, and it only took a few hands to put an end to the tournament. Piotr got a monster hand and was happy to go all-in. Charan called instantly with his weak ace. Piotr: Charan: The four on the flop window did not seem too dangerous to Piotr but he was disappointed to see anything hit for Charan anyway. Piotr’s gut instincts were spot on, because the on the turn reduced Piotr’s chances of winning to nothing but the two remaining kings in the deck. The on the river gave Charan a boat and put an end to the final event of the October Power Weekend. It was a long and arduous road for Charan tonight. He was struggling all evening and was down to very few chips when the tournament reduced to 3 tables. He […]
Big Jackpots means big cheques!
The Primary BBJ was hit last Tuesday in the early hours of the morning, and on Friday, both the Jackpot Winner and Loser came to Playground to collect their winnings – plus a huge ceremonial cheque to go along with their winnings! First up was Maxime Flibotte-Blanchard, who won $237,435 as the hand winner/Jackpot loser: A little later in the day, Steve Daraiche came in to pick up his prize – a whopping $474,870! Congratulations to both of you!
Straight flush over Quads – another BBJ hits!
The Secondary BBJ hit again last night – more precisely in the very early hours of October 7th! This time the winning hand was a straight flush to the , which beat out Quad Sevens to secure everyone at the table a piece of $25,000. The hand occurred on a $1/$2 table just after midnight and 4 players went to the flop in a limped pot. The flop was dealt: and action was checked around. Fawad had already made his straight flush but he didn’t have many chips, so when Steve A bet $20 on the turn , all Fawad could to was go all-in for his remaining $13. The two other players folded, and then the river was dealt: . Steve led out for $60 this time and got two folds and he and Fawad went to showdown. Fawad: for a flopped straight flush! Steve: for Quads on the […]
Week 3 – Massage Therapy
At Playground Poker Club, a contingent of certified massage therapists swarm over the floor to tend to any player requesting their care. At only 1$ a minute, you can be certain that you won’t find a better price in any other poker room! To book a massage, simply walk up to the Player Services desk and ask for the service. If it is not immediately available, you will be put on the waiting list. “Playground Poker Club is the perfect place to play, have fun and relax. My role is to make your poker experience as enjoyable as possible!” -Emily At the WPT Montreal, their numbers will grow greatly, to ensure that all our visitors have a chance to loosen up! When there is no waiting list, you can see them walking around with a red shirt and a smile, patiently waiting for the next person to realize yet […]
Another Million-Plus Jackpot has been Won!
For the third time in Playground Poker Club history, a Bad Beat Jackpot surpassing $1,000,000 has been won! This time the Jackpot had grown to a whopping $1,249,643, and the action went down in the early hours of the morning on table 14, a $2/$5 table. Maxime B was playing the button in seat 2, and seats 4 and 5 were the blinds. Preflop, Steve D (seat 7) called the bb, seat 8 folded, and seat 9 raised to $30. The player in seat 1 called, Maxime called, the sb folded and the bb and Steve both called. Flop: On the flop, the first two players to act checked and seat 9 opened the action with a bet of $55. Seat 1 folded, and Maxime followed with a raise to $175. Seat 5 folded – and then Steve raised all-in for just over $575! Seat 9 folded – Maxime made […]
The second Jackpot this week!
Jackpots sometimes come in a rush, and today’s Omaha BBJ was a prime example. After the big prizes on Wednesday, the Jackpot was reset – but even so, players will be pretty happy about the payouts from today’s Jackpot win. The play occurred on lucky table 13, which had 7 players active. It was a $2/$5 table and there was as straddle to $10 from the player in Seat 6. The preflop action started with a fold, a limp ($10) and another fold, and then Will, playing the sb from seat 4, raised to $50. His neighbour Ariel in the bb re-popped to $155 and chased the rest of the players out of the hand, while Will made the call. The flop came and action was on Will, who opened with a raise to $250. Ariel shoved over the top and got the call. Will: Ariel: Both players had good […]