The Player Services Desk is the first place any new player should visit when they show up at Playground Poker Club. The PS Desk is where you sign up and have your Player’s Card made – an essential step to take before you can play. The Desk is conveniently located near the front door, making it the first stop on your way to the Brush Desk. During the WPT, the PS Desk will stand strong, bigger in numbers, to make sure that all new players are properly introduced to the club and that all current players keep receiving the same quality of service. “Always ready to welcome players with a smile!” – Jay Our Player Services staff is a devoted group of people with great variety in their day-to-day tasks. Over the phone, by email, or by instant messaging, they give out all the pertinent information about upcoming […]
Club News
Another Bad Beat hit at Playground!
A few hours ago on table 14, 2 very happy PLO players hit the Omaha Bad Beat Jackpot! The game was $2/$5 PLO, and no straddle was placed on the fateful hand. The pre-flop action saw James R. and Gary limp in before Zheng-Yi X. made it $30 to go. Button and blinds moved out, and both limpers climbed aboard. Flop: This diffuse rainbow flop did not look like it was about to produce a lot of sparks, but sparks there were! After 2 checks, Zheng-Yi X., known by many under the alias Ziggy, or Armin, continued with a $100 fire, the max bet. Only James R. called. Turn: Yes! By now, you must know the continuity. Both players checked. River: Here we go. James led with $150, which was raised to $750 by Zheng-Yi, and quickly pressed by James to $1,363 – his whole stack. Zheng-Yi called in a […]
Travel Guide to the WPT Montreal
The WPT Montreal is less than 1 month out. Its 7 events, held from October 21 to November 4, have combined guarantees of over $8,000,000. The WPT Montreal Main Event, guaranteed at $5,000,000, calls on players from all over the world to compete for the famous Playground Champion’s Belt! Playground Poker Club wants all visitors to get the most out of their bankroll. This is why we made sure to secure some deals with Air Canada and a handful of hotels. Air Canada will shave up to 12% off the regular fare, depending on where you fly from. To consult the savings grid and to get the promo code, click here. A lot of players will need a place to stay, even those who do not need to fly to get here. We made sure to have players of all preferences covered. The Host Hotel is for the players […]
WPT Montreal: Essential Guide to Playground Poker Club
The countdown to WPT Montreal has started! At Playground Poker Club, all departments are getting ready to welcome poker players from near and far to the WPT Montreal, featuring 7 events with over $8,000,000 in guaranteed prize pools. Festival after festival, we have the immense pleasure of hearing very positive comments about our staff, whether it’s face-to-face or through social media. Indeed, we take a lot of pride in having a devoted workforce. We share a common passion for poker, and hope it reflects in our work. It is with that in mind that we decided to present to you 6 groups of people that you will inevitably come in contact with during the WPT Montreal. Each week until the start of the festival, a different department will take centre stage and speak to you through this series of articles. Week 1 – Cash Game Management Our cash games […]
Sit&Go Freerolls!!
Fancy a fun Sit&Go freeroll? From August 31st to September 2nd – Friday to Sunday – the partypoker V.I.P. team will be on the Playground Poker Club floor from 6PM to 10PM, getting together a bunch of single-table freeroll tournaments! These get-togethers, besides providing infinitely positive equity, will be a great way to take the edge off after a long day of serious tournament poker. 9 players per Sit&Go Average run time: 30 minutes Prizes: $109, $55 and $22 tickets to Powerfest events (click here for more info on the amazing Powerfest series) On top of these 3 prizes, every freeroll will have a V.I.P. team member with a $109 bounty (also a Powerfest ticket) on his head. There’s more! Every single Sit&Go player will be eligible to a special V.I.P. Powerfest promo: Play 50 Powerfest events and receive 5% extra rakeback throughout the entire month! Play 100 Powerfest events […]
A secondary BBJ hits during the WSOP-C
For the second time during the WSOP-C Playground – on until September 3rd – a Bad Beat Jackpot has been won! This time it was a Secondary (Hold’em) BBJ, which is fixed at $25,000 and requires (minimum) Aces full of Kings to lose the hand to come into effect. The hand in question occurred on a $2/$5 NL Hold’em table. Arvinder S opened with a raise to $25 and 3 players called. The flop was dealt: . Arvinder led out for $40, Ravinder T called from seat 2, and the two other players who saw the flop both folded. The turn: . The action went check-check and the was dealt on the river. Arvinder bet $75, Ravinder raised to $150. Arvinder responded by going all in – and Ravinder made the call. Arvinder: for a full house, Aces full of Kings Ravinder: for quad Kings The secondary jackpot is fixed […]
We’ve often remarked that along with the major poker events comes a rush of Bad Beat Jackpots – and while one BBJ isn’t exactly a “rush” – it’s a pretty good start! The Omaha BBJ was hit recently, so the jackpot amount was not tremendously large – $7,846 – but a jackpot is a jackpot! The action happened on Table 14, which was a full $5/$5 PLO table. The table was made up of a nice mix of local players and players visiting for the WSOP-C Playground. The button was on Seat 3 (Rajendra P) and there was a straddle to $10 from seat 6. Preflop action folded to Sammy P in seat 1 who chose to call. Action then folded to the button, who raised to $50 and found a call from the player in the sb (Elio S) and Sammy called. There were three players to the flop. […]
Event time is Jackpot time!
The first WSOP-C Playground is less than 24 hours away, and those of you who have been around for a while know that most major events come with a cool passenger: the Bad Beat Jackpot! With so many hands being played, it is only natural to see an increase in Bad Beat hits during festivals, and everyone loves to be in the room when that happens. Here are a few numbers to look at, mull over and speculate on: 7 of the last 8 festivals produced at least one Bad Beat hit. Over 3 million dollars were paid out in Bad Beat money in the last 4 festivals. 6 (SIX!!!) Bad Beat Jackpots were hit during our last major event, the MILLIONS North America, including 1 Primary BBJ ($1,375,265!), 1 Omaha BBJ and 4 Secondary BBJs! Since last night at 6PM, the amount of the Primary BBJ is $920,204. That […]
The Omaha Bad Beat Jackpot was hit!
Last night at 8:48PM, thirteen PLO players became very happy, very suddenly. Indeed, the Bad Beat Omaha was hit on table 13 when Kieu’s flopped quads got one-outered by Hafedh. The action started with Hafedh limping in from the under-the-gun position. The bet was raised to $20 from the button, and that amount was called by both blinds and the limper. Flop: No action there. Kieu was waiting for someone to catch something. Hafedh took the free card: ! Third to act, he led with a $15 bet, and only Kieu called. On the river, there was no more holding back. Kieu had the best feeling you could have at a cash game table: having the second nuts when the only hand beating you gives you the Bad Beat Jackpot, and watching your opponent push his chips! Kieu check-raised from $100 to the personable $202, and Hafedh’s all-in announcement was met […]
The Newsletter – Opt in to win!
The newsletter is a great way to stay informed of all things Playground. It is a simple email that contains information on current and upcoming promotions, Events, and more. Playground Poker Club would like for you to opt in, and decided to give you a little incentive to do so! Starting now, anyone registered to the newsletter email list is automatically entered in a draw – multiple draws, actually! – that will award monthly prizes: 4 x $22 PP LIVE Dollars Satellite tickets 1 x $530 PP LIVE Dollars Satellite ticket These satellites award PP LIVE Dollars, which can be used to buy into any Playground tournament. For a full list of all the cool things you can do with this currency, click here. You can opt in yourself on our website by logging in and clicking My Playground in the upper right corner. A dropdown menu will appear. Click […]
Online purchasing is back!
The online purchasing option for Playground tournaments went away for a while to allow a smooth transition to our new website. This convenient feature is back up! For about a month now, players have been able to buy into tournaments directly on Any Playground tournament that requires a buy-in is available for online purchasing. The deadline is the same as it was in the past – players need to complete their purchase 24 hours prior to the start of the target event.. The process is extremely simple: Sign in with your user ID, open the hamburger menu at the top left and select Tournaments / Monthly Calendar. Select the tournament you wish to buy in for, click the “Add to Cart” button, and start visualizing your win! After that, all that is left to do is show up at the cage with your ID and pick up the ticket. […]
Short Deck Hold’em: new name, same action!
At Playground Poker Club, the month of July came with a very exciting novelty, known around the world under Six-Plus Hold’em, Short Deck Poker or Short Deck Hold’em. We first introduced it under the name SIX-PLUS, which we felt was the most descriptive appellation. Some players, however, felt that it created unnecessary confusion with the 6-Max tournament, which incidentally runs on the same night. We always keep an ear out for player feedback. The tournament staff communicated your comments, and moving forward, the event will be listed under the more broadly used name, “Short Deck Hold’em”. The game’s action-inducing properties are transmitted from mouth to ear at high speed, and it’s quickly gaining popularity. The first installment saw 41 players jump in, and just one week later – Monday – that number was boosted to 59! There will be one more Monday night $50 + $10 NL Short Deck Hold’em […]