Power Weekend gets a new face! The next Power Weekend comes May 2 to May 6, and it has a brand new face! Taking place just before MILLIONS North America, the Power Weekend and its hot fresh-off-the-press logo will warm up the tournament hall nicely for our first ever $10K buy-in Main Event. This will be your last chance to qualify for MILLIONS through our STEP satellites. Check out the schedule! Free play for the whole party! Two promotions are now in effect in Playground’s Electronic Gaming space: the Welcome Bonus and the Refer-A-Friend program. Let’s see how well these promotions tie together. If you’re already a member and bring some friends that have never played at Playground before, you get $20 in free play for each friend that you bring (Refer-A-Friend) and your friends get $20 in free play each for becoming a member (Welcome Bonus). Free play […]
Club News
Road to MILLIONS – Episode 3
This young player was born and raised in Beauce. He is a true poker fanatic. When asked what he would do if he made a big score at the MILLIONS, he did not hesitate: the first thing that came to mind was more poker! He played the 2018 MILLIONS North America after qualifying through the STEP satellite system, and he did it again this year, on his first try! Because one bullet is all you need. Boom! Let’s hear what he has to say about how to reap some STEP value. Introducing… Jean-Philippe Lehoux. (More great content coming up on Playground’s official YouTube channel. Please subscribe!)
Elon Musk now claims Model S AI system can detect when someone is lying
Plans in the works for live demonstration at an east coast poker tournament later this May. Elon Musk, co-founder and CEO of Tesla, the leading electric car manufacturer, announced this weekend that his new Tesla Model S, set to hit the showrooms in 2020, will have an integrated lie-detecting AI system. Musk claims that the system, equipped with new tech that can tell if someone’s lying, will increase owner security when they stop to assist someone. New tech involved consists of a Voice Modulation Deep Analyser, as well as some advanced options such as a passenger seat integrated Body Heat Sensor. “As a first public demonstration, said Musk in a press conference on Saturday, we plan to show that NOWAY JOSE, the AI developed to detect lies, is capable of spotting a lie even if it is told by the people who practise deception the most: poker players.” At […]
Road to MILLIONS – Episode 2
This poker player from Ontario is a frequent visitor at Playground. She plays primarily cash games, but found her way to the tournament hall after a dry patch, and ended up on the January Tournament Leaderboard to earn a STEP 1 satellite seat! A few STEPS later, she is on our list of qualifiers and about to play the biggest tournament she’s ever played: MILLIONS North America! Introducing… Christine Park. (More great content coming up on Playground’s official YouTube channel. Please subscribe!)
Another day, another BBJ!
March madness is truly living up to its billing at Playground, as another Secondary Bad Beat Jackpot was awarded last night! This latest jackpot was delivered thanks to a perfect runout in a limped pot on a 1/2 table. It happened shortly after 2:30am on table 2 in truly dramatic fashion. The table was playing 7-handed, and the action started with a call from the first player to act, James H. A second player called before the action was bumped up to $6, a raise that was called by all but one player at the table. The flop: . The first two players to act checked before James, the initial caller, put out a bet of $5. The small bet was promptly raised by the next player to act, Danny C., who went all-in for $57. The raise chased everyone else out of the pot before Danny called for less, […]
March: a festival of Bad Beats
Last night at 9:26PM, seven players were shooting on table 15, playing $2/$2 PLO. Éric M, sitting in seat 4, opened the pot to $10, a rather common opening bet at these stakes. Two players called before Anthony C made it $25 to go. Out of seven players, only one did not call the 3-bet! Six players went to the flop: Anthony was the pre-flop aggressor, and when you raise and get called by a sea of players, there is no better feeling than to flop the nuts with redraws to the super nuts! He cautiously placed a continuation bet of $25, trying to get as many people as possible to stick around. Only Éric did, raising to $100, enough to cover Anthony’s $55. Turn: River: Éric, too excited to wait, waived his right to show last and slammed his monster open: Éric: Anthony did not react right away, possibly […]
A monster PLO tournament in April
In April, the Playground tournament schedule is about daily events, STEP satellites, and one glorified tournament: the $500 + $100 + $500 PL Omaha Deepstack 50/50 Bounty Rebuy event, held on April 14. PLO players have been itching for some nice bounty action, and they got what they wanted in March with the addition of the $100 + $20 + $100 PL Omaha Deepstack 50/50 Bounty Re-entry tournament on Sundays. On April 14, this tournament transforms into a $1,100 event with rebuys! Bigger buy-in, bigger prizes, same game! Unlimited Rebuy means that reloads are done directly at the table, allowing players to keep battling the opponents they have come to know… and maybe go after their own chips for the old best-served-cold dish! What else can we shoot for in April? MILLIONS North America STEP 1 Satellites! The last satellite tree grows in April and into May, where the last […]
Road to MILLIONS – Episode 1
STEP satellites to MILLIONS North America have been running for four months. The 3-STEP system is a great way to allow players to compete in a big event that they normally wouldn’t buy into, and after countless STEP 1s, four STEP 2s, and four STEP 3s, there are a number of players who made their way to the MILLIONS from an investment of $440, $90, and in some cases, $0! Throughout the month of April, there will be a great number of STEP 1 satellites – every Friday and Sunday – which all culminate into the very last STEP 2 and STEP 3 events, held on May 4 and May 5 respectively. This is your last chance to join the ranks of our STEP qualifiers… don’t miss it! Our first hero is a retired lawyer who won his MILLIONS seat from a $90 STEP 1 satellite. He started playing poker […]
Jackpots, STEPS, and more!
The Lotus proves generous This week in the EGD section, Eternal Lotus proved to be one of the most generous machines in the Electronic Gaming space. At the wee hours of Sunday morning, the Lotus was ripe and Joyce M aligned a perfect combination of symbols which got her the Grand Jackpot AND the $10K bonus, for a total of $27,687.86! This was the third biggest Jackpot to date, and the Eternal Lotus game awarded number 2 and number 3 on that list! 88 Fortunes 88 Fortunes is another hot game at the moment. After awarding a $13,136.21 Jackpot last week, the enchanting Chinese characters portrayed in the game went right back to work. On Sunday afternoon, Aouni L and his wife got themselves a $10,393.14 Jackpot! Again, we popped the Champagne! Breakfast & Poker: a Delicious Combo! This weekend at Playground, we recommend a star combination of a […]
Spring has sprung another BBJ!
Events are becoming synonymous with big jackpot payouts at Playground, and the March Power Weekend has delivered the fourth jackpot of the month! Following the three Bad Beat Jackpots – Omaha, Primary and Secondary – that were awarded in recent weeks, another Secondary Bad Beat Jackpot went off on table 2 last night. The action started off innocently enough on a $1/$2 table with a UTG limp from Tony C in seat 9. The action folded around to Olivier B in seat 4 who raised it up to $15. His raise prompted calls from seats 5 and 7 before the action came back to Tony who re-raised to $87. Olivier maintained his aggression and raised all in for $179, enough to chase the other callers out of the hand, before Tony made the call. Olivier and Tony opted to show their hands to reveal what the pre-flop action suggested: the […]
Eternal Lotus gives another huge Jackpot
Last night at exactly 12:54AM, Eternal Lotus spread some major wealth again, as Joyce M took home the Grand Jackpot of $27,687.86! Joyce was spinning in one of our most popular sections, comprised of 8 identical machines called Fu Gui Rong Hua, which offer a choice of 2 games: Empress Gold and Eternal Lotus. The games are easy to spot, forming one of two sections where you can read the word Jackpot in big bright letters right above it. Our winner was playing Eternal Lotus, the same game that got Franco S a huge Jackpot of 28,791.93 in early February. Little did she know, she was about to walk on a very similar path. The game has four Jackpot levels: Mini, Minor, Major, and Grand. The grand Jackpot has climbed to $17,687.86, but Joyce, thanks to a specific combination of symbols, was awarded a $10K bonus to go with it! […]
Rewind to the Highlights
Three months have gone by since the opening of the Electronic Gaming space, and over $1.3M were awarded in Jackpots. Out of all those happy winners – hundreds, literally! – two individuals stand out by the sheer size of the Jackpot amount that they won. Let’s take a second to relive the excitement! Largest EGD Jackpots to Date! $30,222.70 On the night of January 16, early in the evening, Luigi was casually playing one of our Quick Hit Platinum Plus games, when his session suddenly took a sharp turn: Luigi hit a HUGE $30,222.70 Jackpot! Our winner-to-be was spinning at 300 credits a pop, or $6, which is the game’s maximum bet. He got himself a few free spins, and one of them unlocked our biggest Jackpot to date! $28,791.93 Some 2 weeks later, in the night of February 1 to February 2, Franco hit our second biggest […]