We came across a huge hand involving 4 people on table 28. An
flop was on the table, and many chips were wagered. Francis Hachey-Roy, first to act, bet 10K into a pot of just under 20K. Marcello Simonetti went all-in for 37.9K, which was quickly called by Mark Sloane who had more than 200K in the reserve. Jacques Martineau also committed his stack, going all-in under for 17.5K.
At this point Hachey-Roy paused and scrambled to figure out the best decision. He was also pretty deep behind, and knew that Sloane could hurt him badly – or bust him – if he decided to continue. Facing so much heat, he chose to fold and showed a set of sevens.
Martineau realized that his shaky straight draw was down to 6 outs after Sloane’s nines were taken out of the number.
Sloane completed his own straight, knocking down 2 players and climbing to over 300K, and Hachey-Roy started breathing again when the river fell.