We came upon table #20 in the middle of a hand. Jonathan Scott Mclean was all-in for 69,500. He had just received an under call from Ahmad Baalbaki, with 61,500. The action was on Camille Jr. Lefebvre Pelletier. With a larger stack and after a small inner-argument with himself, Camille called. The players all tabled their hands:
Jonathan Scott:
With no one holding a pair, Camille’s hand looked pretty good at this point. The flop came out:
and all of a sudden Jonathan Scott was smiling, not quite believing his luck at having flopped a flush. But before any celebrating could take place, the turn arrived:
, awarding Ahmad with a nut-flush and rendering the river obsolete
So not only was Ahmad the shortest stack involved, he was also behind from the start. So it was with a relieved smile that he began scooping up his loot in the wake of a much needed triple-up. After paying Ahmad, Jonathan Scott received a few chips from Camille, and play resumed.