Only two players have made it above the 200,000 mark; Nabil Nahoul, who was in second place at the first break is now leading the field with 288,500. He is followed closely by Moti Hadad who has 278,000. These two players have been very active to say the least. The next in line, Rabih Aboudib, has roughly half of that amount, 153,500. The rest of the pack has some work left to do, and since there are now many short stacks in play, there will be a lot of all in shoves in the levels that follow.
Here is the list of the top stacks in play:
First Name | Prénom | Last Name | Nom | Stack | Tapis |
Moti | Hadad | 496,000 |
Michael | Ravenda | 377,000 |
Bill | Kontaratos | 349,000 |
Daniel | Pepin | 341,000 |
Alon | Messica | 310,000 |
Nabil | Nahoul | 306,000 |
Nicolas | Cyr | 302,000 |
Nabil Nahoul
Moti Hadad