A massive hand just took place on table 35. Anthony Riley, who has been very active and raising many pots, opened the action with just a little more than a min-raise (4,500) and found flat calls by both Andre Landry in the cutoff and Hamed Roshan on the button.
The flop came
and it checked around by all three players.
The turn brought the and Riley led out for 6,500, and found a call by Landry. Roshan then raised it up to 27,000, and Riley tanked for a bit before then announcing that he was all in. Landry hesitated but finally let go of his hand, and, Roshan thought about it for only a short moment before making the call. The hands were then tabled.
Roshan had turned his set of Queens but to his dismay, Riley hit his open ended straight draw and Roshan needed either another Queen to make quads or the board to pair on the river to boat up. Unfortunately for him, the river was a brick, and Roshan’s large stack of almost 150,000 was sent to Riley who is now the big stack in play.
Landry then said to Riley “it’s a good thing that you shoved, I had KJ and would have made the higher straight”. The table also commented that Roshan chose to just flat call pre-flop and then check his over pair on the flop, a move that proved in the end to be very costly to him.
Anthony Riley