After a couple of limps, action was on Robert Dagenais who raised it up to almost 5x, and was then min-raised by Gerard Doire sitting 2 seats to his left. Ajet Bajrami on the button made the call, as did Dagenais.
On a
flop, Dagenais checked. Doire bet 10k and was called by Bajrami. With play back on Dagenais, without any hesitation, he announced that he was “all-in”. Doire followed by also putting his stack into the middle. Bajrami looked at his cards again and shook his head as he folded.
Both hands were then tabled:
The on the turn and
on the river didn’t change a thing, and all of the sudden, pocket Kings were no good as Robert Dagenais flopped a boat with his pair of Jacks and scooped a large pot!