With the an average chip stack hovering around 35,000, one player has leaped way above the others: Carlo Nini, one of Playground’s feature players who had qualified for the MILLIONS North America for only $95 from the Step 1-2-3 satellites, has manged to amass a stack more than 3.5X the average, sitting on a cool 129,200. Following in second place, and the only other player above the 100,000 mark is Georgiy Filippovich, one of the many Russian players here for the MILLIONS, who currently has a stack of 103,500.
Here is the full leaderboard of the top stacks:
First Name | Prénom | Last Name | Nom | Stack | Tapis |
Carlo | Nini | 129,200 |
Georgiy | Filippovich | 103,500 |
Jeffrey | Sarwer | 90,600 |
Domenico | Agatiello | 79,500 |
Rong | Xu | 71,600 |
Jean-Paul | Daoust | 70,100 |
Chip leader: Carlo Nini