We arrived at Dany Noël’s table while he was deep in the tank and obviously struggling with a decision. On the table the flop was out:
Dany was facing an all-in from Brandon Quick, and both players seem to have approximately the same stack size. After a while Dany shrugged his shoulders and called, adding, “I don’t feel I can fold this”, and tabling rockets
Brandon tabled his hand:
– he had hit a set on the window. “I knew it”, mumbled Noël, “this keeps happening to me”.
The turn and river held no magic for Noël:
and he pushed his stack forward, ready to leave. The players at the table told him to wait, having obviously guessed that he would have chips left. After counting Quick’s all-in for 33,200 chips, the dealer pushed back the extra chips towards Noël. He was not eliminated but his stack was down to vapors.
A few hands later, Dany looked down to see a hopeful hand:
and pushed all-in from an early position preflop, with approximately 5,000 chips. Holding
, Robert Boivin shoved all-in on top, effectively isolating himself with Noël.
As soon as the flop came out, Noël jumped out of his seat, ready to leave again:
. He looked up at the ceiling when the turn came:
, giving Boivin a straight, and crushing any hopes of a flush for Dany who was now drawing dead. The
on the river was a formality, and that was the end for Dany Noël, sent to the rail by Robert Boivin.