When there were only 18 players left and the tournament was on the bubble, the players decided to remove $200 from the first place payout so that they could pay the “bubble boy”, as, only 17 players were supposed to originally be paid. Once the tournament was in the money a few bustouts happened right away.
- 18th place: Langis De Grand Pre, $200
- 17th place: Yannick Labattaglia, $270
De Grand Pre had been leading early on but mentioned that he was totally card dead in the later stages. In a six-max bounty, even more so than in a 10-handed freeze, if you are card dead, you are in trouble. Labattaglia mentioned that he made a call earlier on that perhaps he should not have made and that it ended up hurting him badly. Both players will certainly be back again to see if the next time they can make the final table and take it down.
On table 31, there was a min-raise to 16,000 by James Bridgeman and when it folded to Nabil Nahoul in the big blind, he looked at his cards and right away announced that he was all in. Bridgeman made the call since Nahoul’s stack was only 47,500.
board was a clean runout for Nahoul who gladly took in the chips with his badly needed double-up.