With the chip average at just over 56,000, Andy “Coach” D’Alessandro has taken the lead with a healthy 124,500 chips. Griffin Mason is hot on his heels, sitting on 121,000.
Still in contention are: Francois Deschamps, Scott Bain, Nick “Shooter” Soller, Louis-Patrick Levros, Raphael Ohayon, Haralambos Margaritis, Rene Noel, Sonny St. James, Marco Caza, Mark Fitzpatrick, to name a few.
Some of the recent bustouts include: Yassine El Fouladi, Patrick Menard, Tony Parent, Lynda Adams, Rene-Philippe “Rain” Noel, Charles Desharnais, and Marc Lacroix.
Here is the leaderboard:
First Name | Prénom | Last Name | Nom | Stack | Tapis |
Andy | D'Alesandro | 124,500 |
Griffin | Mason | 121,000 |
Giovanni | Arcamone | 111,000 |
Nick | Frascarelli | 105,500 |
Nick | Soller | 95,500 |
Jocelyne | Moisan | 90,000 |