Over the last hour chips have been flying across the tables as the blinds are catching up with the player’s stacks. Both of second break chip leaders are now gone, and the new leader is Jordano Mascaro, with 342,000 chips. Following in second place is Brigette Metivier with 288,000.
Play is fast approaching the money bubble and with the average stack at only 16 big blinds, there were be a lot of swings over the next few levels.
Here is the latest leaderboard:
First Name | Prénom | Last Name | Nom | Stack | Tapis |
Jordano | Mascaro | 342,000 |
Brigette | Metivier | 288,000 |
Nick | Frascarelli | 225,000 |
Francois | Deschamps | 207,000 |
Nick | Soller | 162,000 |