Day 1B brought out a field that contributed a total of 124 entries to this flight. There were 27 re-entries, which put a lot of additional chips in play to support the qualifying players’ run through this three-day event.
This flight kept up a steady pace throughout most of the afternoon, before things slowed down significantly in the last three levels of play. As players capitalized on the re-entry format in the early levels the chips went in quite easily, however, the prospect of bagging chips clearly had an impact on the late stages as caution became the order of the day.
This flight’s chip leader, Charles Beaudry-Prud’homme, took charge shortly before the second break and kept the reigns until the chips went into the bag at the end of level 14. He maintained a stack of more than double the chip average throughout the afternoon and bagged 653,000 in chips.
To see the combined Day 1 results, click here.
There are two more starting flights for the Strangers in the Night ahead. Day 1C kicked off at 7:00pm, and Day 1D Turbo runs tomorrow at 11:00am before all the qualifying players will return for Day 2 tomorrow evening at 7:00pm.