The 6-handed game lasted a while. At the final table, blind levels were extended to an hour each and the next pay jumps are so big that conservative play was to be expected.
Before his elimination hand, William Blais had about 4M chips. The pot was played heads up between him and Bill Kontaratos. Blais flopped a double gutshot and filled up on the turn, but not without some danger; Bill had picked up a flush draw.
Bill called a bet and when Blais pressed the river with another bet, Bill put him all-in for 1.2M more. Blais was visibly displeased. His read told him that he was probably beat, but at that point he had just over 5 big blinds left and a fortune was in the middle. He called.
William Blais:
Bill Kontaratos:
6th: William Blais – $17,620