Brigitte Korak may be a petite woman but make no mistake, she doesn’t like to get pushed around. After the mini-battle against Eric Levesque just a few hands prior, this time when action folded to Levesque and he put in a min-raise to 8,000, she replied with an all in shove. Levesque laughed, Korak laughed, the table laughed, and Korak picked up some of the chips that she lost to Levesque earlier on.
Meanwhile Levesque reports that he busted a player when the player open shoved and he was holding pocket jacks. Then an epic hand took place when the chips went in against Andrew Delaney when Levesque had pocket kings and Delaney had pocket queens. To add to the excitement, Delaney had flopped a set of queens only to then have Levesque turn a set of kings.
It appears that Levesque is now in the lead and with a break about to come up, a new leaderboard will be posted shortly.