The tournament went hand-for-hand once there were only 28 players remaining and it only took three hands before the fateful bubble hand was dealt.
On table 31, Hugo Harewicz limped for 8,000 in early position and was met by a min-raise to 16,000 by Chris Provost on the button. Both Sebastien Sigouin in the small blind and Richard Hamelin in the big blind made the call, only to see Harewicz shove for his remaining stack which amounted to only 33,000 chips. Provost snap-called as did both of the blinds.
The flop came
and action checked around. The turn brought the :6C and again it was check-check-check. On the
river, all three checked again.
Provost opened
and Harewicz was holding
, and, unfortunately for him, he busted out on the bubble to bring the rest of the field into the money.