When Jeffrey Cormier made it 7,000 to go, it was 3bet by Stephen Deutsch to 32,000. Stephen Song 4bet to 77,000, which Deutsch to the tank. After some time, he announced all-in, and Song snap-called. The deck had been cold to song, dealing him kings while one of the few players in the whole tournament had been dealt aces. Luckily for him, Deutsch had previously lost a bit of chips to Jeff Cormier. The best hand won, and a new chip leader was created.
Meanwhile on the next table, Ema Zajmovic, the darling of Playground with three WPT final tables in our club in three consecutive years, including a win and a runner-up finish, took a hard hit. Holding pocket fives, she flopped fives full of jacks and the turn gave Martin Jacobson a higher boat. She doubled him up and was left with just a handful of chips, causing the former world champion to chip up nicely.