The action has heated up on table 57. Over the course of a few hands, Ibrahim Hussein has been making some very large three-bets and taking down the pots pre-flop. On the last hand, Ahmed El Bouhssini limped in under the gun and was called by Derek Verrian in mid position. Hussein then raised to 3,300. El Bouhssini folded, and Verrian made the call to see the flop.
The dealer fanned out
, and Verrian checked again. Hussein made it 5,800 and Verrian made the call.
The turn came the and Verrian checked. Hussein, who looked quite comfortable while getting a massage at the table, paused, and then looked at Verrian’s stack. After a few more seconds, Hussein put in a bet of 8,600. Verrian called.
The river was the and once again, Verrian checked. It took about 15 seconds before Hussein announced that he was all in for roughly 31K in chips. Verrian went into the tank, and then shook his head and let go of his hand. Hussein just smiled away and looked at him as if he really wanted a call. Hussein is chipping up nicely!