Over on table 20 we just saw Roger Lamia double up, and boy does he look excited about it. Proving that poker is serious business -especially in the Main Event – the expression you see in the picture below is what Roger looked like after he won the hand. We wonder what he looks like when he’s mad!
The hand began with a mid-position raise from the always dangerous Mike Leah to 25,000. That was re-raised by Giuseppe Corapi to his left to 75,000, which was when Roger shoved for his remaining 590,000. Mike beat a hasty retreat from the hand, but Giuseppe was happy to gamble. He called and flipped over his
, running head-first into Roger’s
The board was no help, coming down
, and Roger doubled up, instantly moving up to over 1,000,000 chips. Hopefully Roger will find reason to smile as we move forward and he makes his way closer to a birth in the final table.