The old saying “All you need to win is a chip and a chair” comes to mind when covering the action on table 76. Former Playground blogmaster Michael Boyle found himself down to just 7,500 chips a few minutes ago when he finally found a half-decent hand. The table folded around to his neighbor on right, Steven Rosen, who was willing to risk it on Mike’s preflop shove.
Both players flipped over their cards and it was Mike’s queens versus Steve’s sixes. The queens ended up holding out, giving Mike a little breathing room. Mike scooped the pot, doubling his chip stack and extending his chances just a little further. Can he double up again? We’ll be keeping an eye on his table to find out!
In only a few minutes players will go on their second break of the evening, which is also the end of late registration. Good luck to all of our players as they make their way into the final six levels of the evening.