We have officially hit 200 entries for this flight of the $300 + $30 Closer, and as we passed by table 77 just now we saw Jamie Baker go all-in again and decided to see what happened. Would his luck hold?
Jamie had opened from early position with a bet of 2,100, raised immediately by the player to his left to 5,000. The table folded around back to Jamie who pushed his relatively small stack into the middle. Confident in his hand, he briefly looked over his shoulder to speak to someone on his right, but by the time his head swiveled back to the table he realized he had already been called. The player on his left, Paul Dalrymple, had also already flipped his cards over, pocket aces. Jamie couldn’t have been pleased.
The board came down
, and it would have been the end of Jamie night, except for one thing. Jamie also had pocket aces.
The two players chopped the pot, and play continues…