Arriving at table 65, the flop was already out and showed
. Giuliano Lentini was all in for 69,500, and was re-raised by Danny Freitas seated directly on his left who bumped it up to 180,000. When action folded to Edward Hislop, he pushed forward a stack of 25K chips while announcing that he was all in. That sent Freitas deep into the tank until finally Hislop called the clock on him. Once the tournament director arrived at the table Freitas was given 30 seconds to act. He finally folded as the clock ticked down. Lentini and Hislop opened up their hands:
Lentini had a gut shot straight draw with two over cards and Hislop had the nut flush draw with two overs, ace high.
The turn paired the board with the and the river was a blank, the
, with the chips moving to Hislop and sending Lentini to the rail.
Freitas was heard saying that he had a double gutty and it was a really tough decision for him but ultimately it was a good fold.
Hislop’s stack just keeps growing and growing.