One of the things that happens when there is a large field like tonight is that pocket rockets just keep showing up on table after table. Interestingly enough, tonight they seem to be holding, well, at least for the hands that this blogger has witnessed.
On table 99, Zohrain Ladha raised it up UTG to 1,400. Ralph Gidaro smooth called in mid position. Two seats over to his left, Frederick Moss 3-bet to 5,000. Ladha, the original raiser, then shipped it for 19,250. Gidaro went deep into the tank until finally he mucked his hand. When action was back on Moss he snap called.
The board came
and Moss scoops the pot. Gidaro mentioned that he folded pocket tens as he just felt he was behind. It appears that he made a good decision.
It’s nice to see how many times AA has held on the different tables tonight.
Frederick Moss