Andrew knowles opened pre-flop and was called by Joe Pellegrino on the big blind. They got it in on the flop, and knowles realized that his rockets had lost a lot of luster.
Both players stood, internally calling cards, perhaps.
Run out:
The turn fell like a ton of bricks. Pellegrino let out a celebratory scream. The rest of his chips were soon going to be lost, but in between, a huge confrontation took place.
Daniel Neilason and Qi Hu were the actors. Bets escalated, and eventually Qi Hu was all-in for 11,575,000 chips, or about half of Neilson’s stack.
Hu, usually pretty stoic, pumped his fist. He was having a tough time before that hand, and had finally caught a break. Perfect-perfect did not come, and he enjoyed a hefty double-up.
Unfortunately for Knowles, he couldn’t creep up the pay table. He only had about 4.5M left after losing aces to Pellegrino, and put them to work with
, a hand well into the better half of his range. He couldn’t connect and lost to
, but took $50,000 for his solid Day 4 and overall amazing performance.