Arriving at table 22, the chip leader, Jishant Sapra, opened from 1,200 to 2,700, and the action folded to Aladdin Hammoud in the small blind who made the call, followed by Dave Bonneau in the big blind who also made the call.
On a
flop, both blinds checked and Sapra made a continuation bet of 5,500, only to be met by a min-raise from Bonneau to 11,000. Sapra called, and Hammoud folded.
The turn brought the , and this time Bonneau led out for 14,000. Without any hesitation, Sapra moved a 100,000 stack forward while announcing that he was all in. Bonneau snap called and the hands were tabled.
Both players had flopped trip 3s, however Bonneau was way out in front. The river brought the , boating up Bonneau, and the dealer pushed the chips across the table, with Sapra’s stack now severely damaged.